Bellarosa Strings is a top-tier ensemble based in Napa Valley, renowned for its sophisticated Pop and Rock covers. Their skilled musicians infuse events with luxury and memorable vibes, earning them features in publications like the New York Times and appearances on The Bachelor. Combining tradition with contemporary allure, they captivate global audiences with instruments ranging from violin to harp, complemented by light DJ services and live streaming. Bellarosa Strings transforms every event into a timeless celebration of musical elegance.
We are the talent liaisons that curate, ideate, and connect you to the right artists to transform special events into experiences of a lifetime. Our roots are those of musicologists and culture hawks, deeply embedded in the living performing arts. This is the foundation of our work, the soul of our business, and what we've been doing for over 25 years. We have the capacity and capability to bring any artist from anywhere in the world to your event.