Mat Franco, a groundbreaking magician from Rhode Island, views magic as a limitless realm of exploration. His renowned Las Vegas show, MAT FRANCO – MAGIC REINVENTED NIGHTLY, promises unique experiences nightly. From a young age, Franco was captivated by magic, performing since grade school and even touring colleges for four years before his big break. In 2014, he made history by winning America’s Got Talent as its first magician champion. Following this success, he launched his Las Vegas show in 2015, offering a dynamic 90-minute performance that melds iconic tricks with spontaneous surprises, continually redefining the magic experience.
Las Vegas Headliner
Mat Franco Theater
America’s Got Talent - Winner
Mat Franco’s Got Magic
Hi. We are Jay Siegan Presents. We are the talent liaisons that curate, ideate, and connect you to the right artists to transform special events into experiences of a lifetime. Our roots are those of musicologists and culture hawks, deeply embedded in the living performing arts. This is the foundation of our work, the soul of our business, and what we've been doing for over 25 years. We have the capacity and capability to bring any artist from anywhere in the world to your event.
We are the talent liaisons that curate, ideate, and connect you to the right artists to transform special events into experiences of a lifetime. Our roots are those of musicologists and culture hawks, deeply embedded in the living performing arts. This is the foundation of our work, the soul of our business, and what we've been doing for over 25 years. We have the capacity and capability to bring any artist from anywhere in the world to your event.
The cost associated with booking Mat Franco is influenced by several factors. These include the interest and availability of the talent, the date and location, the nature of the event, and the schedule of the talent involved. To receive an accurate quote to book Mat Franco for your event, we will need to gather some specific information. Reach out to us to dig in more and we can discuss an offer with the agent for Mat Franco.
Please note, we are not the agents or managers for the talent listed, except as indicated, nor are we affiliated with any particular agency roster. This ideal and impartial position in the industry allows us to make the best recommendations that align with our client’s objectives and budgets. Please remember that we don't accept fan emails, special requests, meet and greets requests. Serious booking inquiries only, please. Our secret to success is our solid industry relationships and our experience booking talent!