Daniel Chan
Daniel Chan

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Dan Chan, an internationally renowned and award-winning magician and mind-reader, is based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Renowned as one of the world's top virtual magicians, he performs for thought leaders and influencers at various events. Before transitioning to virtual performances, Dan entertained audiences with over 5,000 shows worldwide. His signature effects and legendary pick-pocketing skills make him the perfect entertainment choice for savvy corporate audiences, especially among Silicon Valley elites and billionaires. Dan Chan continues to present world-class magic and mind-reading that captivates and amazes.

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In 2016 Buzzfeed titled article “Meet Silicon Valley's Favorite Magician.”

Dan performed for many of the world's largest corporations worldwide.

Featured in The Hustle, Business of Business, Voyage LA, Hollywood Monthly.

Business Insider and CNBC have also featured Dan extensively.

Experience what billionaires worldwide have experienced: ultimate virtual entertainment.

Ultimate virtual entertainment experience from the comfort of your home.

Renowned and award-winning magician and mind-reader based in San Francisco.

Performs for thought leaders, influencers, and savvy corporate audiences.

Signature effects and legendary pick-pocketing skills amaze Silicon Valley elites.

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Daniel Chan
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Daniel Chan

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